The good news is that it is a super cute diaper that is super soft on the inside. The one I bought had a bamboo velour inside, but they also come with cotton velour. Bamboo is supposed to be softer. I have not yet seen any cotton velour diapers in person, so I can't compare. The Goodmama diaper is also VERY absorbant. Dare I say it, a little more absorbant than my beloved BSRBs. It also fits my son beautifully. It's a boyish print, so my daughter hasn't worn it, but I'm sure it would fit her well too.
The bad and the ugly are really the same. The GM I bought has a serged edge all the way around. Recently, they have started making them differently, so that the serged edge doesn't show, but I wanted to try one of the original style. I had heard that the serged edges can irritate baby's skin. When used with a cover, the cover protected my son from having direct contact with the serged edges against his thigh. However, when he wore his GM for just 2 hours without a cover, the diaper was nice and dry on the outside, but his legs looked like this (note how I cleverly hid his boy bits):

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