Welcome to my blog! I'm Sari, a mother of a 2 year old girl and 7 year old boy/girl twins. I started this blog 6 years ago when I started using cloth diapers. If you scroll back to the earlier posts, you can see my learning adventure with the twins, there's a lot of really helpful information if you are interested in cloth diapers. I hope that this can be a valuable source of information for other moms contemplating making the switch to cloth diapers and/or making their own diapers.

Now I'm using this as more of a general "mom blog". I'm crafty, I like to bake and I'm currently a group fitness instructor and a Beachbody coach. I may plug my own business every so often (click here!), but I will expand my topics to cover basically anything that I feel like writing about - experiences I have or products that I think deserve a review (both good and bad). If I'm getting paid or benefiting in any way then that will be mentioned in the post.

Do you have a product that you would like me to try and review? Send me an email

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wearing My Baby

With twins, it wasn't really practical to wear them as much as I wanted to. Usually it was only when my husband and I were out together - he would wear one in a Bjorn (I know, awful crotch danglers, but we didn't know any better and he actually thought it was comfortable) and I would wear the other in my Beco Butterfly.

Now that I have "just one baby" the entire world of babywearing is opening up before me. My cousin recommended a ring sling for a newborn and gave me a beautiful Sakura Bloom ring sling. I washed it right away (cold wash, hang dry) and watched about 20 YouTube videos while I waited for it to dry. The problem with the YouTube videos is that none of the babies were actually newborns. I couldn't find a video that showed me how to support my newborn's wobbly head. My cousin came to the rescue and suggested that I put her against my chest and tighten the sling so that she is upright. So I did this and here is the result. Eden is about 5 lbs in this photo, she was one month old:

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