Welcome to my blog! I'm Sari, a mother of a 2 year old girl and 7 year old boy/girl twins. I started this blog 6 years ago when I started using cloth diapers. If you scroll back to the earlier posts, you can see my learning adventure with the twins, there's a lot of really helpful information if you are interested in cloth diapers. I hope that this can be a valuable source of information for other moms contemplating making the switch to cloth diapers and/or making their own diapers.

Now I'm using this as more of a general "mom blog". I'm crafty, I like to bake and I'm currently a group fitness instructor and a Beachbody coach. I may plug my own business every so often (click here!), but I will expand my topics to cover basically anything that I feel like writing about - experiences I have or products that I think deserve a review (both good and bad). If I'm getting paid or benefiting in any way then that will be mentioned in the post.

Do you have a product that you would like me to try and review? Send me an email

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why am I pushing someone else's gDiapers code?

If you read the previous post, I was actually winning the contest last week. Since then, I've fallen behind 144 to 125. First off, thank you SO much to anyone who supported me and chose my code to get your awesome deal. I realize that I probably won't win, so I want to support someone who really deserves to win.

Anna is a dedicated gMom with twin girls who have been in gDiapers for about a year. She also has 3 other kids. She is very active on the Yahoo gDiapers group and she has been helping other gMoms get to their 10 sales so that they can win gift certificates too.

Another participant has come out of nowhere, from behind, who was more than 50 orders behind us, and is now about to take the lead. She has been dishonest about representing the contest and has spammed the heck out of BabyCenter and craigslist. I don't mean 1-5 craigslist ads like most of us have done, much much more than that. And she has not disclosed that it's a contest and that she stands to benefit from.

So if you haven't used my code yet and you were planning to, please use Anna's code instead. If I can't win, I would like to support someone who really deserves to win! The code is at the top of the blog (g677Swank). Thank you!

8/1 Update... Anna won!!! I came in third :) I'm very pleased with the results. Thanks to everyone who helped me get this far. I hope you love your gDiapers as much as I do!

1 comment:

Thais said...

Wow Sari, that's crazy. I can't believe that person has been spamming that bad just for a trip to Seattle. Glad you're supporting another mommy in her quest for the #1 spot!