Welcome to my blog! I'm Sari, a mother of a 2 year old girl and 7 year old boy/girl twins. I started this blog 6 years ago when I started using cloth diapers. If you scroll back to the earlier posts, you can see my learning adventure with the twins, there's a lot of really helpful information if you are interested in cloth diapers. I hope that this can be a valuable source of information for other moms contemplating making the switch to cloth diapers and/or making their own diapers.

Now I'm using this as more of a general "mom blog". I'm crafty, I like to bake and I'm currently a group fitness instructor and a Beachbody coach. I may plug my own business every so often (click here!), but I will expand my topics to cover basically anything that I feel like writing about - experiences I have or products that I think deserve a review (both good and bad). If I'm getting paid or benefiting in any way then that will be mentioned in the post.

Do you have a product that you would like me to try and review? Send me an email

Friday, April 17, 2009

Snap Pliers found!

I have found another place to buy the coveted snap pliers that until now have only been available through the elusive yahoo group mentioned in the previous post. I just placed my order. They are backordered for 2-3 weeks, but they ship from the US so (I assume) they will arrive much more quickly than the ones from the yahoo group that ship directly from China. I bought the pliers and the bonus snap packages as well. It seems like a good deal. When my pliers arrive I'll demo them on YouTube and review them as well as the merchant I purchased them from. I bought them from KAMsnaps.com.

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